Celebrate at the Internet Archive — 1024 — Thursday Oct. 24th

(Full Video of event.   Announcement as posts: 1, 2, and 3)

Internet Archive invites you to a fun evening in San Francisco on October 24th for our once-a-year celebration and announcements of new services. (And it just so happens to fall on 1024, which our fellow geeks will recognize as 2^10.)  We will drink and be merry with our friends, then gather together to tell you about the new steps we’re taking to guarantee permanent, free access to the world’s knowledge.  

No More 404s

October 24, 2013
Free Admission, Donations Welcome
6pm – 7pm : Cocktails and Reception
7pm – 8pm : Announcements
300 Funston Ave., San Francisco CA 94118


Please RSVP – we don’t want to run out of wine!

Some of the things we’ll share include:

  • No more broken links. Help wipe out dead links on the Internet with new tools and APIs to replace dead links with archived versions.  Down with 404s!
  • Reader PrivacyQuotable Television News.  A new interface for the TV News Research Service will facilitate journalists, bloggers and your news-addicted relatives to search, quote short clips and borrow from a massive, searchablearchive of U.S.television news programs.
  • Reader Privacy for All.  We are helping to protect the reading habits of our users from prying eyes by increasing encryption and keeping less user data.
  • Data tape with HamurabiBringing Old Software Back to Life.  First steps to bring the software for Apple II’s, Commodore 64’s etc back from cassette and to the web.
  • Petabytes, Gigabits, and More.  Come see for yourself!

27 thoughts on “Celebrate at the Internet Archive — 1024 — Thursday Oct. 24th

  1. Hugh Pawsey

    I greatly value your work. Richard of St Victor is beyond price. Boethius most helpful.
    So, when I come across a messed up page, such as the txt version of the Bible KJV, I wish there was a quick way for me to nip in to tidy up or repair.
    Anyway, thanks chaps; especially for the twelfth century works.
    All the best for the Jamboree, Hugh Pawsey

  2. Herbert Van de Sompel

    No one likes a 404, indeed! I would like to mention that the Memento extension for Chrome also allows replacing dead links with archived versions available from several web archives, including the Internet Archive. This is achieved by right-clicking a dead link or a 404 page. The extension is available at https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/memento/jgbfpjledahoajcppakbgilmojkaghgm?hl=en&gl=US.

    All the best with the celebration! I wish I could be there.

    Herbert Van de Sompel, LANL

  3. Shaban Pasha

    It is first time that I’m celebrating this with Internet Archive. So it is going to be more interesting for me. Wish you.

  4. Denny Farrell

    I’m sorry that I can’t make your event. I’m here in Chicago..but you can bet….. I’ll promote it on my radio show. I hope to make it out your way sometime in Feb 2014
    Best of luck to you all,
    Denny Farrell

  5. KaruMukilan

    Dear Organizers and archive.org team and members I m happy to hear this and I hopefully sending my regards for our grand success. This is really seems to me a political rally in this globalized world of copyrighted scenario.

    Thanks for the service.


  6. Peter Cunningham

    Wonderful progress! Sorry I cannot make it as I arrive on the 25th! Wish I had known earlier!
    The ability to use old software to read old documents is really valuable; we also need the equipment from the various (mostly defunct now) manufacturer to read all the media we used before the Internet.
    Keep up the great work!

  7. Homer Goodall

    Would come, but I will be busy decking the halls and repairing homemade christmas decorations.

  8. Liza Loop

    I’m hoping your new software initiative will help me preserve the educational games and learning software from the 1960s through the 1990s. It will be an integral part of the History of Computing in Learning and Education Virtual Museum (hcle.org). See you Thursday night!

  9. Bob Stepno

    Best wishes from the Blue Ridge Mountains of Virginia…

    Someday I hope that 1980s Voyager Expanded Books with cross-platform open-source players will be as available on the Archive as 1940s radio show MP3s are today.

    But for now, I’ll keep building a blog/book with old radio shows.

    http://jheroes.com “Newspaper Heroes on the Air”

  10. Tony

    IA is one of the pearls of the net. Aw hell, of civilization. And a continuing source of inspiration in our interesting times. And I’ll keep saying it no matter how much you say “Aw shucks” and rub your toe in a circle.

    Wish I could join you, and I hope all of you heroes will be very merry indeed.

  11. Pingback: 5 fantasy Internet Archive announcements – Mike Linksvayer

  12. Matt Phillips

    Did anyone record the event? I’d love to learn more about the “No more broken links” announcement.

  13. Pingback: This Jen, is the Internet | Fleemanator Blog

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