Through an outpouring of good work of bands, tapers, and fans, we have hit a major milestone: 20,000 live music concert recordings are being freely shared and enjoyed.
A cool report from Parker:
I’d take special note of a few statistics that are particularly interesting. The shows have doubled from 10k in 13 months, the number of archive-friendly bands has almost doubled. Also interesting, is the proportion of shows to venues and tapers. Our ratio of shows to tapers is only about 5:1, and our ratio of shows to venues is less than 3:1. Given that the big guys like the Grateful Dead and Phil Lesh skew this number upwards, it really shows that the Live Music Archive is a grassroots effort.
average bandwidth: 650mb/sec
shows accessed: 8,876,402
User Stats:
uploaders: 1381
uploaders with more than 10 shows uploaded: 380
tapers: 3998
Concert Stats:
shows: 20,141
shows with mp3s (more as space allows): 6981
tracks: ~300,000
bands: 856
bands disallowing mp3: 44
venues: 7713
Machine Stats:
total space for live concerts: ~25tb
machines: 74 including backups
Parker Thompson
Data Archivist
The Internet Archive