It’s spring! Like chicks peeping out of eggs and bunnies hopping out of burrows, it seems like almost everyone is celebrating a birthday. To help the festivities, we present these happy birthday videos:
- Happy Birthday Nanny! Two little girls sing happy birthday to their mother.
- Birthday Cake Three brick men bake a homicidal birthday cake (requires Real Player).
- Pillsbury Cake Mix Commercial Make a party from a package…
- A Surprise for Jean (1954) A Prelinger film about a surprise party for a six year-old
- Happy Birthday A quick Canadian birthday salute!
- Lionheart’s Birthday Lego film celebrating a knight’s birthday, includes musical chairs and Puff the dragon!
— Renata
Some cake and legos, singing and saluting…. what a wonderful way to kick off a spring birthday. It’s a shame that mine’s in the winter.
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