This week, released a beta version of our new upload tool, created to ease sharing of your material on Internet Archive. We’ll be moving away from FTP uploads in favor of HTTP uploading which allows you to upload right on the web. When you click on the “Upload” button, you’ll be prompted to use the HTTP method, if you choose.
To use the new beta uploader:
For instructions on how to upload to the Live Music Archive, click here.
We encourage you to give it a shot and offer any feedback you have on the new system. Here is a conversation that is currently taking place about the switch.
Additionally, we have a new edit tool for your items on the Archive. You can use this tool to change an item’s title, description, file formats and titles, running time, language, etc. You can also use it to remove, add, or rename files within an item.
To edit your item:
Note: If you would like us to make derivative files, click on “Item Manager” after you click on “Edit Item” and click the “Derive” button. This will make smaller, more compressed versions of your upload.
As always, we greatly appreciate all of your generous contributions to the Archive, and we hope this new process will make this open sharing even easier.
–Cara Binder
When I see a book on Google Book Search with a PDF available, I’d like to push this to the Internet Archive without first having to store the PDF on my computer. I’d like to submit the URL to the Internet Archive, which could suck the file directly from Google.
Dear Cara,
These may just be teething problems, but I have tried maybe 6 times to upload a large file to one page I have on the Archive, and each time it has failed with an I/O error message, and no chance to resume the upload, which is unlike ftp, which normally can be resumed.
If there is no way of resuming via http, then I would suggest staying with ftp.
I should add that I have in fact managed to upload many other files using this service, but have failed a number of times with it also.
I could not find the “Item Manager” or “Derive” button when I clicked on Edit Item as you suggest in your instructions quoted below:
Note: If you would like us to make derivative files, click on “Item Manager” after you click on “Edit Item” and click the “Derive” button. This will make smaller, more compressed versions of your upload.
Where are they?
thanks, C. Goff, Taped Rugs
OK I FOUND THE ITEM MANAGER myself. You left out a step in your instructions. Go from “Edit Item” to “Change The Information” THEN “Item Manager” then “Derive.”
See modifed FAQ on how to use the edit tool:
Thanks, C. Goff. We have updated our screens since this post, so thanks for keeping everyone up to date.
Is there still any way to modify an item via FTP? One can still do the initial upload via FTP, but doing a checkout used to enable modifications via FTP.
I need to modify a few objects from a remote server (in a bandwidth-starved part of the world). AJAX is not an option.
Excuse my english. For netlabels? I can’t insert album in my netlabel (VJGrecords) I am trying but…
your http uploader is not working!
i have a new account im not in any netlabel
do i need to be in order to upload music?
whats wrong?!
everytime i upload and click on the share my files button i see a “apparently no files where uploaded” page after that.
please fix this i know im not the only one ive seen a lot of these messages on the forum.
The share button has not worked for about two weeks. Seems to be disabled. I realy like this site . Is there a problem or has the share button been abandoned? Thanks, bob
We’re unable to reproduce the problem, trying with both Mac and Windows machines, using IE, Safari, or Firefox browsers.
It may be that only the first part of the process is getting actuated. Please try clicking the share button again, even through it may feel like you’re clicking it twice.
If you’re still having problems, please provide a description with as much detail as possible, including what exactly is happening, when in the process it’s happening, and details of your computer operating system and browser versions tried.
If there’s any URLs from attempted uploads, please include that also, or any other information about the attempted upload. The more detail you can provide, the better chance we have for troubleshooting.
Thank you!
Hello-I have uploaded many musical compisitions in the past, but when I attempt to use your new ‘button’ I simply get a revolving circle and nothing happens-can you advise-Many thanks-MF
I’ve had success with the Share feature in the past, but I’m currently having the same problem. Any suggestions?
I’m having this problem and it even locks up my browser, so that I have to use task manager to stop the process.
How do I download shows and convert them to be able to listen to them?
Hi, my Share button doesn’t work. I’m using windows xp, and firefox. Happens the same with Explorer. I guess it has something to see with javascript, but it’s enabled, and also are enabled pop-ups.
Curiously, the Share button placed in the page for editing the items already uploaded does work. (i could upload first using ftp)…
We have successfully uploaded a number of files these past few days, however there is one particular file that has showed a 504 server time out error consistently. I have in fact tried changing the file name, reexported the file and have uploaded the same almost 10 times, but every time there has been an error encountered.
I find this strange because the 12 other files have been successfully uploaded with that one exception.
Asalam-u-alaikum my brethren in Islam,
May Almighty Allah open His pathways and grant u success in running this website.
I have some bible study lessons on MP3 format, and was wondering if it is possible to post them so others can be notified they are there and they can then listen to them.
Ed Galicki
Chechk it out?
I’m trying to upload MP3 files to archive, via the upload button, but I after all is done I get a message: seems that no file has been uploaded.
hi nuchem, please provide more specifics to
Success of the company forum for this great work
Greetings to all
Thanks to his subject
Greetings to all
and again what learned. thanks for the nice blog.
Greetings from Germany
Hey Cara,
I’ve never used the old way of uploading, but this new way is extremely easy to use.
I had one problem, tho….I use an ad-blocker with IE8, and it greyed out the ‘Share’ button…so I disabled the ad-blocker and all was good. All you really have to do is read the instructions on each page. Nicely done !!!
This tool works great! Thanks … Tom the Flirtcoach
My problems are I used to just stream audio right form the description page on my computer and now with the new i phone format I can’t find titles and play them. The index is difficult since on the free edition I have to scroll forever, there is no short cut box for title and the author index is by first name or initial. This is in the “Audiobooks and poetry” and sub heading is “Livribox free audio collection”.
I am not familiar with iPod and just ordered a “zip” file and if it goes to iPod menu I can’t open it since it asks for the file name.
Additionally, if i buy a book from “” the book goes to my Audio book manager but also somehow ends up is my iTunes device where, as I mentioned, it does not play.
I sorry to ramble on so much, but it used to be so much easier to play the book right through my computer>
Can anyone out there help me.
Best regards,