It’s likely you’ve heard of NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month), that time in November when it’s starting to get cold and hundreds of people make a pact together to write a novel in the period of one month. Many fail, some succeed, some get published, and some of the work is actually really good (which begs the question, “Did you really write this in one month, or have you been cheating all year?”).
Well, it was news to me that there is now NaBloPoMo (National Blog Posting Month). As November seems like the ideal month to cuddle up by the fire and furiously write a novel in a month, July seems just as fit to grab your laptop, go to an outdoor cafe and write a blog. The deal is you have to blog once a day for a month, but just as not everyone finishes their novel by December 1, not everyone who celebrates NaBloPoMo will blog each day in July. You’re still allowed to celebrate all things blog. And (technically speaking) this runs all year long, so have fun with it!
Here’s a round up of some of our favorite library blogs to keep you satiated during the last couple weeks of NaBloPoMo:
For a very extensive collection of library blogs, check out the blogging libraries wiki.
Happy blogging!
–Cara Binder
You misused the term, “Begs the question.”
Thank you for offering useful
Greetings to all