Celestial Marbles and Floating Sombreros

Take a break from a hectic day and enjoy the peaceful awe of our universe. “Things That Float” by Stephen Nowlin is the first monthly Guest Showcase in Internet Archive’s collaboration with NASA images. http://words.nasaimages.org/2010/01/11/guest-showcase1/

Mr. Nowlin wrote: “We’re charmed by heavy things that float in thin air, because we’re products of a gravity environment where weight is pinned to the planet’s surface.  When something does otherwise, it arouses the pleasure of our curiosity – it’s a spectacle, and inspiring. ”

All the images are spectacular. I think we often forget the remarkable work that goes into the NASA programs that allows us to see such vivid images of space. It is a wonderful presentation of carefully selected images accompanied by the music of Claude Debussy.

Check out the floating astronaut with jet pack at 2:34, the streaked and speckled moons that look like marbles at 3:57, and at 5:40 all I could say about the celestial sombrero was “what is that?!”

Awesome indeed.

-Jeff Kaplan

3 thoughts on “Celestial Marbles and Floating Sombreros

  1. Magnus Cedergren


    I have sent emails for a month (or more) about creating a new collection. It is really hard to get your attention! At last, the collection in question was made by you a week ago, but I cannot get it to work for me. Is there anybody who can help me. The mails was mostly sent to Yolanda@archive.org. Most of them unfortunatley was no responded. cara@archive.org probably also knows something about this. Please help me!

    Magnus Cedergren, Sweden

    1. internetarchive

      Thanks for your interest in Internet Archive. If you can tell us specifically which collection (and a link address to it if you have it) you are have trouble accessing we may be able to help. Please address your reply with this information to info@archive.org.
      Best, Jeff

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