On Demand Book Service (ODBS) project at University of Toronto

I want to share this note I received from Internet Archive Canada regarding their ongoing project and a streaming presentation scheduled for March 29th:

Reading in First Nations : Infrastructures, Access & Imagination

“I just wanted to write a little note about a project that has been ongoing here at University of Toronto for a few years now.   It is called the ODBS (On Demand Book Service) and has been run out of the faculty of information sciences here at University of Toronto.

The goal of ODBS

The purpose of the On-Demand Book Service is to support the joy of reading in rural and isolated First Nations communities within the context of learning, knowledge sharing and history recording.  The ODBS Information Session will bring together the various stakeholders involved in this partnership, including community members from the Keewaytinook Okimakanak Tribal Council, Chiefs, First Nations librarians and youth workers. During the ODBS Information Session, the class will present their findings, including digital content resources, community research analysis, systems design, and promotion/outreach plans.

Furthermore, our partners from KO will also be able to reflect with us on the challenges and opportunities afforded by such partnerships, lessons learned, and potential for projects such as the ODBS and other resources/services for addressing the information needs of the First Nations communities in Northern Ontario.

Gabe Juszel
The Regional Scanning Coordinator
Robarts Library, University of Toronto
Internet Archive Canada ”

You can find more information at: http://meeting.knet.ca/mp19/course/view.php?id=20

– Jeff Kaplan

35 thoughts on “On Demand Book Service (ODBS) project at University of Toronto

  1. Pingback: Internet Archive: University of Toronto Has Now Digitised More than 250K Titles; « ResourceShelf

  2. Shabbir Tahir

    I need to download the book “Abdullah bin Masuad Ur un ki Fiqh by Hanifa Razi. Publishar: Nadvat al musanfin Dihli India [1967] in Urdu language

  3. Hannah Wei

    Is it possible to scan and share the book of “Govett on Galatians” by Robert Govett

  4. Hannah Wei

    I need to download the following books :

    1. The First Epistle to the Corinthians (by F. W. Grosheide)

    2. The Royal Route to Heaven : Study in I Corinthians (by Alan Redpath)

    3. TheSecond Epistle to the Corinthians (by H. C. G. Moule)

    4. The Epistle to the Philippians (by F. B. Meyer)

      1. Hannah Wei

        Thank you, but the author I seek for “The Second Epistle to the Corinthians” is H.C.G Moule, and the author for “The Epistle to the Philippians” is F. B. Meyer. Please help to scan and upload the books for me once you have them, many thanks for all your labors.

  5. G

    Alfred Gell
    Art and agency

    been trying for over 6 months to get the only copy from the university library …..

  6. Pudja

    I need to download the following books :

    1. The Book of Lord Shang (byJ.J.-L. Duyvendak).

    2. All the books by Georg Jellinek.

    3. Staatslehre (by Fichte).

    4. Staatslehre (by Hermann Heller).

    5. Algemene Staatsleer (translated) (by Roelof Kranenburg).

    Thank you very much.

  7. Pudja

    I need to download the following book:

    1. Verfassungslehre (by Carl Schmitt).

    2. Die Staatslehre des Dante Alighieri (by Hans Kelsen).

    3. Allgemeine Staatslehre (by Hans Kelsen).

    4. Reine Rechtslehre (by Hans Kelsen).

    Thank you.

  8. eduardo

    Avrei immenso piacere nel poter trovare in “Internetarchive”:
    1. Guilhem Figueira, ein provenzalischer Troubadour [Emile Levy, 1880]
    2. Bernard von Ventadorn: seine Lieder mit Einleitung und Glossar [Carl Appel, 1915]
    3. Der Trobador Cadenet [Carl Appel, 1920]
    4. Studj Romanzi, volume XII – 1915.
    5. Studj di Filologia Romanza, volume VIII – 1901
    Ringrazio e saluto cordialmente.

  9. CEM

    Please scan the following:

    1. Thoughts for Young Men (John Charles Ryle)
    2. The Duties of Parents (John Charles Ryle)
    3. The Virgin Birth of Christ (J Gresham Machen)
    4. The Four Gospels (Burnett H Streeter)

    Much appreciated…

  10. Edward Henne

    I am looking for books by Solem Asch that can be sent via the computer. I recently was able to purchase a bound coppy of his book, THE APOSTLE (A novel about St. Paul.) But I would also like to have THE NAZARINE (about Jesus,) And I would like to get THE APOSTLE on line, as the print in the bound book is smal and difficult for me to read. (I am 81 now.)

    Thanks for any assistance you can give me.

  11. joseph crump

    I am looking for, Plato and the Platypus, can’t remember te authors, both are from Harvard U.

  12. Ricardo Schneider

    I am looking for 2 books
    Carlos Tejedor “La Defensa de Buenos Aires” (Buenos Aires, Mario Biedma Editores, 1881)
    Ercilio Dominguez “Coleccion de Leyes y Decretos Militares” Vol. I (I see you got the vol. 2 & 3, maybe you can scan the vol. 1) Thank you very much.

  13. Sherman

    I am looking for W. Ewing, Annals of the Free Church of Scotland 1843-1900, Edinburgh 1914, two volumes. The work is very hard to find, and has a wealth of information not accessible elsewhere.

  14. Fatih Schoster

    Rob Jovanovic – George Michael .

    Raymond Cartier – La seconde guerre mondiale ,


    Cont Ciano’s Diary ….

    Im, This is 3 book’s pdf format searching .. please added pdf links rapidshare or megaupload ? Okey..? Thank you.

  15. Denise Marques

    I’m looking for Yuval – Davis N (1997) Gender and Nation. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. Please could anybody help me…Thanks

  16. Usman Amin

    Dear University of Toronto Library at Robarts,

    Could you please scan and upload:
    The Mathnawí of Jalálu’ddín Rúmi / edited from the oldest manuscripts available with critical notes, translation, and commentary by Reynold A. Nicholson. Vol 1-8.

    This is a beautiful and rare book and in most cases it is very difficult to purchase this set with the corresponding commentary at an affordable price. It would be an awesome gesture by your part if it were made available to the rest of the public and myself through the internet text archive.

    sincerest regards,
    usman .

    1. Usman Amin

      It is this blog dead?
      I received no response to my request, either in the affirmative or negative. If a staff member could get back to me on this note, it would be of great help.

  17. Francisco

    Estoy buscando el libro “La cuadratura del circulo” escrito por Ralph Dahrendorf. Gracias

  18. Asad Mughal

    I need following books if possible please add them

    Jinnah of Pakistan by Stanley Wolpert
    # ISBN-10: 0195678591
    # ISBN-13: 978-0195678598

    Indus Journey: Personal View of Pakistan by Imran Khan
    # ISBN-10: 0701135271
    # ISBN-13: 978-0701135270

    Secular Jinnah: Munir’s Big Hoax Exposed
    # ISBN-10: 1905363753
    # ISBN-13: 978-1905363759


  19. Asad Mughal

    The Sole Spokesman: Jinnah, the Muslim League and the Demand for Pakistan

    # Publisher: Cambridge University Press (May 27, 1994)
    # Language: English
    # ISBN-10: 0521458501
    # ISBN-13: 978-0521458504

  20. Kaleem

    Moslem Nationalism in India and Pakistan
    Hafeez Malik (Author)

    Encounters with Destiny: Autobiographical Reflections
    Javid Iqbal (Author)

    Pakistan: Founders’ Aspirations and Today’s Realities
    Hafeez Malik (Editor)

  21. Daniel

    Thank you for the chance.

    “Night” by Elie Weisel
    I searched around the net but I couldn’t find it.

  22. vasudev bhatt

    am happy to fine the services of e book reading on internet. how do i know which book is available ? i enjoy fiction and detective books. pl help me how to approach them,and read
    only if the service is free. thanks

  23. Kasia

    I’m looking for “A history of Scandinavia: Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Finland, and Iceland”, the author is T. Derry. Could anyone help me? It’s really urgent and there are few materials in my native language. I used the review of the book in the Internet but there are only 43 pages available. And my exam is in 3 weeks…

  24. gerardo

    I need to download following books:
    – Levy, Levy: Guilhem Figueira, ein provenzalischer Troubadour (1880)
    – Klein, Otto: Der Troubadour Blacassetz, (Wiesbaden 1887) (= Städtische Realschule zu Wiesbaden. Jahresbericht über das Schuljahr 1886/87)
    only if the service is free. thanks

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