Bittorrent is a system that makes a fileserver that does not have a server.
I find the idea of calling for a file given a handle from the community of Internet users is pretty interesting. It allows a community to build a collection of materials without a necessary central organization. The Internet Archive is now leveraging the bittorrent technology to build distributed access, but the next step is to build distributed preservation. To support the library application, we think the technology needs to be tweeked, but doable.
What about website without a site?
A next step would be to build a system to have a website that did not have a singular home computer. A system, maybe, that had the functionality of wordpress: pages, searchability, updating, users, etc. But did not exist on a single computer.
What would this be? A siteless website?
Then this site could be supported by a number of people over time, and a shifting number of people over time.
It might remove some of the fragility of the current web: when the originating host is taken down, then a whole community loses out.
The Internet Archive takes snapshots for the wayback machine, but this is different and not nearly as good.
Is this impossible or just hard?
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