Friday March 22nd Movie and Panel about Anonymous: We Are Legion

Screen Shot 2013-03-06 at 10.46.56 AMPlease join filmmaker Brian Knappenberger, journalists Quinn Norton and Ryan Singel and lawyer Thomas NolanĀ for a showing of “We Are Legion: the Story of the Hacktivists.” (trailer) The documentary about the hacker/activist group ‘Anonymous.’

Recorded Video of the Panel

Friday, March 22nd:
6pm – Reception
7pm – Film
8:40pm – Panel discussion

  • Brian Knappenberger – Director, writer and producer of the Film.
  • Thomas J. Nolan – Attorney at Nolan, Armstrong and Barton, LLP, certified criminal law specialist one of Daily Journal’s 100 most influential lawyers in California.
  • Ryan Singel – Journalist, founder of Contextly, co-founder of the Threat Level blog, and previously at Wired magazine.
  • Quinn Norton – Journalist and blogger covering hacker culture, Anonymous, the Occupy movement, intellectual property, copyright issues and the Internet.

Internet Archive
300 Funston Avenue
San Francisco, CA

$5 bucks or 5 books or 0.10 bitcoins.

Please RSVP to help us keep a rough count.

Q’s: or 415 561 6767

See you there!

15 thoughts on “Friday March 22nd Movie and Panel about Anonymous: We Are Legion

  1. Laurie

    I have only just heard of Anonymous, had my head in the sand I guess, wow I’m overwhelmed and I’ve only watched the trailer! Uplifting… yes, scarey… a little, necessary… most definitley!! Unfortuneately we are not free, any of us. I beleive the structure, or the non-structure of Anonymous will keep the vision pure and not allow clouding by some power hungry idiot who thinks he/she have better ideas………

  2. John Law

    “I came into this game for the action, the excitement. Go anywhere, travel light, get in, get out, wherever there’s trouble, a man alone. Now they got the whole country sectioned off, you can’t make a move without a form.” – Harry Tuttle

  3. igor

    but aren’t the hackers allegedly working in the name of “GOOD”?
    why would it have to be a demonic Biblical name such as “LEGION” then, who was cast out by Jesus? i see how the metaphor works – the hackers “possess” allegedly-secure computers with their attacks, like Hilary Clintin, and that is like a demonc possession of a computer – and then it’s like- a group of hacktivists who all “agree-like-mindedly” – so much that its’ supposed to be demonic, they are ONE MIND – but they are many.
    But couldnt that be a catch phrase? “One Mind, Many Tendrils”
    LEGION doesnt have to worry about International Internet Police who monitor shit 24./7 and are paid handsomely to catch and infiltrate. Im just sayin -The LEGION of the Bible (And the film ” Legion “) is a spirit-force demon, therefore faces no material threat of being “Arrested” shut down, etc. Only exorcised – cast out, sent away

    Even the name “anonymous” is cool and the masks are cool, and I realize they must be gifted, smart hackers. Which is wonder why they have to get Satanic about it. whoever decided to incorporate the catchphrase “we are legion” – i think ruined it for them. it was a bad idea. its not just “me” – it just sends people the wrong message.

    I mean – we all know, people are stupid, and furthermore, we cant really look past that demonic name. What else do we have to go by? In V for Vendetta, the people were on board. In reality, we are still wishy-washy about trusting a group of alleged demons who wants to plunge the world into anarchy anonymously.

    No one who has any form of the knowledge of the BIBLICAL term “legion” could support this – and im sorry to say that. its just a bad choice for a catchphrase…. in the end you come in the name of lucifer, seemingly accidentally.
    People like myself who believe in God – we put demons like Legion under God. God’s power is much stronger, much more loving. And yet… many God-loving people are Sick of this evil world too and would support you, and be on your side.

    We all believe in privacy, decriminalization, preservation of rights, dismantling of the corporate structure, freedom of information, etc etc. etc. etc. we have many issues in common, i think it could be a great movement, …. its just the Biblical tag line “We are legion” that makes it unnacceptable – why do you even have to associate it with that? It makes you seem more like a mysterious Apocalypse cult than a serious group of hacktivists.

  4. cameron Post author

    igor: The catch phrase was not picked as a marketing tool after the fact. It was part of the original, often offensive, culture where anonymous was born. I don’t recall there ever being a lot of concern about the biblical sense of the phrase, except that it was menacing and implied that there were a lot of them and they would come after you.

    Again, it’s not about intentional marketing, and the people who chose and use it are diverse: believers, agnostics and atheists. They don’t seem to put much weight behind the obvious biblical reference so in order to best grasp their use of it, I would suggest that, in this context, you do the same.

    Thanks for the thoughtful comment.


  5. indianacarnie

    Legion = Many …. its not that hard.

    Been a “fan” of Anonymous for a while now but their stands against Westboro Baptist Church, Steubenville other’s has really earned my Respect too. Their stands against abuse wherever its being swept under the rug. They truly have turned into a “voice for the voiceless”.

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