To preserve or discover interesting 78rpm records you can download them to your own machine (rather than using our collection pages). You can download lots on to a mac/linux machine by using a command line utility.
Preparation: Download the IA command line tool. Like so:
$ curl -LO
$ chmod +x ia
$ ./ia help
Option 1: if you want just a set of mp3’s to play download to your /tmp directory:
./ia download --search "collection:georgeblood" --no-directories --destdir /tmp -g "[!_][!7][!8]*.mp3"
or just blues (or hillbilly or other searches):
./ia download --search "collection:georgeblood AND blues" --no-directories --destdir /tmp -g "[!_][!7][!8]*.mp3"
Option 2: if you want to preserve the FLAC and MP3 and metadata files for the best version of the 78rpm record we have. (if you are using a Mac Install homebrew on a mac, then type “brew install parallel”. On linux try “apt-get install parallel”)
./ia search 'collection:georgeblood' --sort=publicdate\ asc --itemlist > itemlist.txt cat itemlist.txt | parallel --joblog download.log './ia download {} --destdir /tmp -g "[!_][!7][!8]*"' parallel --retry-failed --joblog download.log './ia download {} --destdir /tmp -g "[!_][!7][!8]*"'