Mark Ellis alerted us to a Craiglist post of a storage locker of records being offered for free in San Jose in 2 hours. The owner wanted them gone. The Internet Archive sprang into action and our truck rolled.
Lots of people had responded to the ad that wanted specific records for free, but not that many that wanted 78rpm records. We love 78rpm records. We preserve them and digitize ones we do not have for the Great 78 Project. At the end we got 1 pallet full of 78’s, maybe 2,700 discs, and they are queued for digitization.
Thank you to Joey Myers for posting on Craigslist, to Mark Ellis for alerting Jason Scott of the Archive, and the Archive staff that jumped on it.
I hope that their digital version will be ready as soon as possible.
Great find!
Please keep us updated on the digitalization of the records 🙂
Who gave the records rocks!
Francisco M.
I like to listen to it so much
tengo algunos discos de 78 RPM. que seria interesante digitalizar.
I hope we might work together on this. We can be reached via email to and via a form
I hope that their digital version will be ready as soon as possible
Great, and I hope you digitize them sooner