Featuring the book How We Give Now by Lucy Bernholz. Published by MIT Press.

What is dataraising and why should nonprofits care? For millennia humans have given time and money to each other and to causes they care about. A few hundred years ago we invented nonprofit organizations and they’ve become a key mechanism in the donation of private resources for public benefit. Now, we can also donate digital data. Organizations such as iNaturalist use donated digital photographs to build communities of nature lovers and inform climate scientists. Other organizations are using donated data to build cultural archives, advocate for fair labor laws, protect consumers, and for medical research.
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Join Lucy Bernholz, author of How We Give Now, Scott Loarie of iNaturalist, and Dr. Jasmine McNealy from the University of Florida for a discussion of the promises and perils of donating digital data and the implications for individuals, communities, and civil society.

August Book Talk: Dataraising and Digital Civil Society
Featuring Lucy Bernholz, author of How We Give Now, Scott Loarie of iNaturalist, and Dr. Jasmine McNealy from the University of Florida
August 10, 2022 @ 11am PT
Watch the session recording.
Hello, I was just thinking that since The Internet Archive is actually having a lot of problems related to “copyright” and related to several websites removing themselves from the Wayback Machine, why not just enable the users themselves to create their own Internet archives, just like Archive-Today and enable them to create a ton of websites for archive other websites and such? It might be a solution at short-term and middle-term, mainly considering that there a lot of websites for downloading craked videogames, craked programs and such. It would be a good idea and plan, to send the backups of The Internet Archive into third-party websites for archive them and keep them save forever on the Internet, since it is what the Big Tech, like Google, Facebook, Reddit, Instagram, YouTube, Quora and Wikipedia, actually do, I think it is fine. And also that is what Wikipedia, Reddit, Instagram and so many others actually do. But yet, it is all a matter of resources and planning. Since I have heard and read about plans to build even more data centers outside the borders of the Big Tech puppet state of California, into other US states or even in other countries like Canada, France, Iceland, Russia, China, Japan, Brazil, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Thailand, Vietnam, Cuba, DPRK… Or even a big space base or a big satelite for that, since a Moon base and Mars base are already too much for the 2020s. It would be a possibility as well. But it is everything about about resources, money and planning as well.
And about the digital civil society, yes, it is a good thing and should be explored and weel developed as well. And we can’t forget about the mass amount of racism, xenophobia, speech politics, identity politics, alt-rightism, fascism, antitheism and such on the Internet as well. If we want to create a good digital civil society, we should relly on create Internet political parties, or integrate the Internet into the political parties themselves or even start to create several digital countries as well, and the metaverse is already doing that. We still have a lot to do about the Internet as well. And we might need of things like sustainable development Marxism, technological Marxism (Technomarxism), Cybermarxism, and digital Marxism for doing a great work on the Internet and to create a healthy and left-wing digital civil society just like the civil rights movement and society.
Actually I did it since my kintergarten