On January 22, hundreds of people from all over the world gathered together for Singin’ in the Public Domain, a virtual celebration of the works that moved into the public domain in 2025. The event was co-hosted by Internet Archive and Library Futures.
Speakers include (in order of appearance):
- Natalia Paruz (The Saw Lady), musician
- Lila Bailey, Internet Archive
- Jennie Rose Halperin, Internet Archive
- Sean Dudley, Internet Archive
- Jennifer Jenkins, Center for the Study of the Public Domain
- Vivian Li, Innovator in Residence, Library of Congress
- Tim Findlen (Roochie Toochie and the Ragtime Shepherd Kings), musician
- Kathleen DeLaurenti, Peabody Institute of the Johns Hopkins University’s Arthur Friedheim Music Library
- Colin Hancock (The Joymakers), musician
- Ayun Halliday, Necromancers of the Public Domain
- Simon Close, WYNC & Public Song Project
- Dorothy Berry, Smithsonian National Museum of African American History and Culture
- Theo Unkrich, Internet Archive