Tag Archives: jwplayer

Audio / Video player updated – to jwplayer v8.2

We updated our audio/video (and TV) 3rd party JS-based player from v6.8 to v8.2 today.

This was updated with some code to have the same feature set as before, as well as new:

  • much nicer cosmetic/look updates
  • nice “rewind 10 seconds” button
  • controls are now in an updated control bar
  • (video) ‘Related Items’ now uses the same (better) recommendations from the bottom of an archive.org /details/ page
  • Airplay (Safari) and Chromecast basic casting controls in player
  • playback speed rate control now easier to use / set
  • playback keyboard control with SPACE and left , right and up, down keys
  • (video) Web VTT (captions) has much better user interface and display
  • flash is now only used to play audio/video if html5 doesnt work (flash does not do layout or controls now)

Here’s some before / after screenshots:

Archive video now supports WebVTT for captions

We now support .vtt files (Web Video Text Tracks) in addition to .srt (SubRip) (.srt we have supported for years) files for captioning your videos.

It’s as simple as uploading a “parallel filename” to your video file(s).


  • myvid.mp4
  • myvid.srt
  • myvid.vtt

Multi-lang support:

  • myvid.webm
  • myvid.en.vtt
  • myvid.en.srt
  • myvid.es.vtt

Here’s a nice example item:

VTT with caption picker (and upcoming A/V player too!)

(We will have an updated A/V player with a better “picker” for so many language tracks in days, have no fear 😎



new video and audio player — video multiple qualities, related videos, and more!

Many of you have already noticed that since the New Year, we have migrated our new “beta” player to be the primary/default player, then to be the only player.

We are excited about this new player!
It features the very latest release of jwplayer from longtailvideo.com.

Here’s some new features/improvements worth mentioning:

  • html5 is now the default — flash is a fallback option.  a final fallback option for most items is a “file download” link from the “click to play” image
  • videos have a nice new “Related Videos” pane that shows at the end of playback
  • should be much more reliable — I had previously hacked up a lot of the JS and flash from the jwplayer release version to accommodate our various wants and looks — now we use mostly the stock player with minimal JS alterations/customizations around the player.
  • better HD video and other quality options — uploaders can now offer multiple video size and bitrate qualities.  If you know how to code web playable (see my next post!) h.264 mp4 videos especially, you can upload different qualities of our source video and the viewer will have to option to pick any of them (see more on that below).
  • more consistent UI and look and feel.  The longtailvideo team *really* cleaned up and improved their UI, giving everything a clean, consistent, and aesthetically pleasing look.  Their default “skin” is also greatly improved, so we can use that now directly too
  • lots of cleaned up performance and more likely to play in more mobile, browsers, and and OS combinations under the hood.

Please give it a try!



For those of you interested in trying multiple qualities, here’s a sample video showing it:


To make that work, I made sure that my original/source file was:

  • h.264 video
  • AAC audio
  • had the “moov atom” at the front (to allow instant playback without waiting to download entire file first) (search web for “qt-faststart” or ffmpeg’s “-movflags faststart” option, or see my next post for how we make our .mp4 here at archive.org)
  • has a > 480P style HD width/height
  • has filename ending with one of:   .HD.mov   .HD.mp4   .HD.mpeg4    .HD.m4v

When all of those are true, our system will automatically take:

  • filename.HD.mov

and create:

  • filename.mp4

that is our normal ~1000 kb/sec “derivative” video, as well as “filename.ogv”

The /details/ page will then see two playable mpeg-4 h.264 videos, and offer them both with the [HD] toggle button (seen once video is playing) allowing users to pick between the two quality levels.

If you wanted to offer a *third* quality, you could do that with another ending like above but with otherwise the same requirements.  So you could upload:

  • filename.HD.mp4       (as, say, a 960 x 540 resolution video)
  • filename.HD.mpeg4   (as, say, a 1920 x 1080 resolution video)

and the toggle would show the three options:   1080P, 540P, 480P

You can update existing items if you like, and re-derive your items, to get multiple qualities present.

Happy hacking!