You probably remember your first recital, whether it was on the piano, the violin, a recorder, or a dance floor. Your parents ooohed and ahhhed over your every little mistake and thought you were a virtuoso in the making. Well, the archive has an interesting selection of recitals to choose from, with nary a cute kid to be found. Okay, that’s a lie – I’ve included at least one 8 year old, but he doesn’t make any mistakes.
- Becca Stevens – Senior recital at The New School for Jazz and Contemporary Music
- Perf de Castro – 10 string guitar recital of Vals #4, op. 8
- Sarah Graham – Mozart’s “Voi, che sapete”
- Miloslav Gajdos – double bass performance of Concert Fantasy by Jan Geissel
- Irish Family Dance – a little Riverdance-style action
- Maestro Martensson – Plays Twinkle Twinkle Little Star on the piano and violin, simultaneously
- William Chiu (8 years old) – piano recital, playing Mozart’s Sonata in C
— Alexis