Atchison Village located in Richmond, California is a pilot community for the Internet Archive Community Wireless project. Here, several residents in the community wish to access the free internet bandwidth being provided by the Internet Archive.
Residents that want to connect to access the service will need to obtain appropriate access point equipment. The recommended equipment is listed here. Equipment purchase, installation, mounting, power, and maintenance is the responsibility of individual households. Alternatively, these activities and expenses or may be coordinated as a cooperative project within the community.
The project will progress in phases. The first phase was to enable wireless access at the central Atchison Village Office (AVO) building. To kick off the project, the Internet Archive (IA) has donated 3 sets of access equipment to the community.
The second phase will be to establish internet connectivity for five (5) households within the community. During this second phase, the Internet Archive will complete the initial configuration of the access equipment and advise the installation team on its mounting and alignment. However, other than supporting the initial installation during this early phase, the Internet Archive will have no further support or maintenance responsibility for the equipment. Further, the Archive will continue to be responsible for maintaining and operating the “backbone layer” equipment, as well as the connection of that backbone to the internet.
At the completion of the second phase, there will be an informal review of the project, and community planning for expansion will progress.
We will look at this program at the end of 2015 to see how it should be modified or, if it is not work well, terminated.
Is the AV wi-fi project still alive ?
I live there, and need interet access.
Hi Jay – I also live in AV and I have the free wifi. Maybe I can help, contact me at cldupont at gmail… Colyer
I’m live just south of Atchison Village and I’m trying to connect to the network but I’m having trouble connecting using 2.4ghz. Any chance anyone knows the passphrase to the backbone so I can try connecting using 5ghz?
I live in the north of AV, AV Wifi if the project is adopted later this year, I think I have better internet access now, it makes me angry every day.
What time completed the second stage? and if you want to participate in this plan, there must be what? zone i needed to live well with wifi.
Someone please let me know the progress of the project AV Wifi how it is? I am very interested in this project.