The Live music archive just received its 10,000th concert recording!
Congratulations and thanks to the etree community and the artists and
bands that have a made this a fantastic repository of creative works.
A few stats:
Now stored: 10,000 shows, 150,000 tracks, from almost 500 bands, in 18 months.
About 10 Terabytes of information on 40 Terabytes of disk space on 60 linux boxes.
almost 1,000 uploaders, 300 uploaders have uploaded more than 10 shows,
Brad Lablanc is the top uploader at 251concerts
Usage: about 1`Petabyte of concerts have been downloaded
(1,000,000,000,000,000 bytes)
Or about 1 Million shows.
Currently 400megabits/sec of outbound bandwidth.
In the next couple of weeks:
Adding some Grateful Dead concerts because their policy allows
non-commercial hosting.
Converting most of the concerts to mp3/ogg and full concert zip files
Longer term wish list:
Broaden the collection into lots of different types of music
Internet Radio interface
Improved website by searching, speed, browsing
If you have other ideas, please write to us on the forums or to
Great stuff! Thank you to all that have put in so many hours. This
is a partial list:
Brad Leblanc
Bram Cohen
Caleb Epstein
Diana Hamilton
Greg Pope
Lauren Gelman
Matt Vernon
Ry4an Brase
Tom Anderson
Tom Horton
Tyler Huff