An Old-fashioned Book Drive! Please help make the Open Library Book collection even bigger.

Internet ArchiveFrom Open Library:

The Internet Archive has been scanning books for some years now, and we’re always looking for more. In addition to 1,000,000+ eBooks available to anyone available through Open Library, we’ve announced the release of modern books for the print-disabled community in a special format called DAISY. It’s a brand new collection – one of the largest available online. For too long, print-disabled people have been denied access to the full breadth of contemporary books, and we’d like to assist in tipping that balance back to where it should be, universal access for all readers.

We are sponsoring the scanning of the first 10,000 books

Please help us by donating books to be scanned or with financial support for the scanning process. Based on existing foundation funding, we are sponsoring the scanning of the first 10,000 books that are donated in this Book Drive. We’re looking for wonderful and important books for this first 10,000 and even more books and money to keep it going. We will make these digital books as available to the world as we can, including the print-disabled, and will preserve the physical book for the long term.

How Does The Book Drive Work?

You can simply send up to 100 books or drop them off in person at our headquarters:

Internet Archive Book Drive
300 Funston Avenue
San Francisco, CA 94118

If you’d like to make a donation of more than 100 books, wow! That would be wonderful, but please give us a call on +1 415-561-6767 to arrange shipping and handling.

We’d like to recognize the generosity of everyone that donates a book to the book drive. It is simplest for us to do this if you include an “Ex Libris” bookplate inside the front cover of each book you donate. That way, when we scan your donation, we will simply photograph your bookplate. This will become part of the permanent digitized version of your donation.

For additional information:

3 thoughts on “An Old-fashioned Book Drive! Please help make the Open Library Book collection even bigger.

  1. Pingback: An Old-fashioned Book Drive! Please help make the Open Library Book collection even bigger. | Daniel's Blog

  2. Pingback: Book drive honors boy who loved to read « Read Road Estate

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