A good day in Washington. After two years of being on the Copyright Office Modernization Committee, helping advise the Copyright Office on their new registration and recordation process, a republican and a democrat from the House of Representatives held a hearing to ask questions of committee members. It was such a refreshing scene because it was bipartisan, they knew the issues, and they were spending time finding out what we suggested.
This all matters because the Copyright Office is moving to filings being digital, which is an improvement, and because it could make way for efficient submissions of digital files. This would be a major way for the Library of Congress to get copies of books they would own, preserve, and make somewhat accessible.

Another attendee said they had gone to congressional meetings for 30 years and this one had the most engagement of any of them. A good day in Washington, indeed.
Hello, Congress. PSJNN Library, Newborn, Russia.
I want to cooperate with the theme of the cost of a digital library in a subway for uptakening of a desires of people to use.
By the dreams and occlusion of ‘happily’ sponsored by the all of issues, by means, Delta Analogue Archive, which rehabitate to digits with the help of Archive.org, connected to the other additional sphere sites of publication by the command of CreaLab, we acclaim the wide legalization of our files by the meaning of true political state for the life-supporting of the persons.
It is a strange situation happened in Russian Federation with the all literature of technologies and files archives. There are no one person got started by the meaning of this science posessional thing. People mostly charged and set to loss of this valuables. The brave 50-150 rub per issue made us the heroes only by being fully wizdomized around the society just by the fact of being well-minded to get them from ancient stores. The position of our tech by lab work with equipment is too very funny by price and it lies only on the habitation dimension of care about this process, because the position of ordinary sub-worker is still stable. And not that gaining.
Habitate with so great division of technologies (the basics of real technical inventions) we are about true job euristically extended, because the position of just informer have absolutely no price. It is standing alone for civilization. The people in RF don’t get the try by self-education, most of them even ready to burn up this books and this gave the real association with dying planet by the fear for this major opportunity to catch some value by this.
So, we are being charged by our realizing of true events projects by the case of additional using of this literature. As I said, the fund is not only digit and here is expressive need for our linking technology for sending to professionals this info, because archive.org is a public base.
Whenever prices are stand-alone for PSJNN, we say, that projects by technologies will be stand-alone too. And here will be the wide open spaces for each kind of values.
Dear, we are, as we mind, at the state of open heavens, because we get learn, we step and feel big power in a work by all kinds. The most people say in a difficult situation ‘just tell me how to save my life’, but not ‘how much does it cost’.
By the real stream for the time-spending and investitions we care about ordinary people and invest into their lives. We are by the same feelings as dominant process in the gaining authorities and we want just to invest into the lives and wizdom of all alive persons for knowledge.
And with carrying about this all we always will be feeded, because the labour, by itself, gives the true food. We will never stop by some expression, whether it comes the still situation by mass posession and all we have is just a treble by the human-kind fade.
Regarding posting Lyo Scarezz, Oct. 1, 2023
Wow, may such knowledge of the truth, that only real work creates real food, not be blown away like the fine sterile dust ground down by machinery of false value and false convenience.
Please stand on true principles that your own experience has discovered, and beware of political rafts requiring submission in order to acquire [false] fruit. Adhere to your own true principles as you enjoy measured stategies.
And thank you, A.O.,
This the only website I actually desire to access often.
Please don’t use my email, it is off most the time.
I am not a member. My cell signal is too poor to entertain thoughts of online communityhood, which helps me to rather work outdoors, more than I might if I was too well connected.