On the Tweet Train

Seems as though everyone is on Twitter these days. We’ve been testing it out since about February and are finding it to be a fun way to connect with our users–to share particularly exciting items on the Archive, update you about current changes in our organization, and share articles and media pieces that we think may be of interest to our audience.

So hop on the Twitter board. What used to be seen as a a medium for people with too much time on their hands has proved itself to be a powerful way to interact. Of course, we have to practice expressing all of our thoughts in 140 characters or less. 🙂

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–Cara Binder

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2 thoughts on “On the Tweet Train

  1. Andrew Armstrong

    Interesting, but you do know the perils of doing tiny URL’s right? You are a web archiver after all 😀

    Perhaps you can roundup the news from the tweets (with full sized direct URL’s 🙂 ) in the blog every month. Copy/pasting shouldn’t take very long, and keep everyone who just reads this informed too, since there are going to be divergences in news otherwise (not that there already isn’t between this and the main site, which doesn’t feature RSS enabled news).

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