Category Archives: Audio Archive

Poetry on the Archive




  • Icons of Black Poetry, iconic poems read by 4th graders and acommpanied by images of their artwork
  • Tatlin, a puppet animation of the life & work of Vladimir Tatlin, the constructivist artist, with an accompanying poem by Velimir Khlebnikov.
— Alexis

This Week in History

US-Russia Relations EstablishedThis week in 1933 the US established diplomatic relations with the Soviet Union, Oklahoma became the 46th state in 1907 (see this Encyclopedia Britannica educational film from 1942 to learn more about OK, “land of the red men”), Burgess Meredith was born in 1908 (listen to Pepper Young’s Family starring Meredith), in 1873, W. C. Handy, the American composer known as the “father of the blues,” was born (listen to a version of his song “St. Louis Blues“), and the first Polaris A-Submarine was launched in 1960 (bringing “90% of Russia’s major cities within striking range”). If you prefer live music, listen to any of these 90 live concerts recorded on November 16th throughout the years.

 — Alexis

Afropop Worldwide

Afropop WorldwideAfropop Worldwide is a collection of radio programs that touches on the music and culture of Africa and people of African descent. This public radio program is hosted by Georges Collinet, and is heard throughout Europe, Africa, and the United States. Check it out, the music is great and you’ll probably learn something too!

— Alexis

Songs for Kids

I’m In A PickleThe Internet Archive has over 100,000 audio items, but some of our favorites are songs written for children. A personal favorite is the catchy “I’m In A Pickle,” about a pickle-obsessed klutz. For anyone who doesn’t like their vegetables, ” Brussel Sprouts” really encompasses the depths of vegie-phobia. We’ve also got techno for kids, a radio show produced by kids, some songs made by kids, and children’s songs in Dutch.

— Alexis

20,000 Live Music Archive Concerts!

Through an outpouring of good work of bands, tapers, and fans, we have hit a major milestone: 20,000 live music concert recordings are being freely shared and enjoyed.


A cool report from Parker:

I’d take special note of a few statistics that are particularly interesting. The shows have doubled from 10k in 13 months, the number of archive-friendly bands has almost doubled. Also interesting, is the proportion of shows to venues and tapers. Our ratio of shows to tapers is only about 5:1, and our ratio of shows to venues is less than 3:1. Given that the big guys like the Grateful Dead and Phil Lesh skew this number upwards, it really shows that the Live Music Archive is a grassroots effort.


average bandwidth: 650mb/sec
shows accessed: 8,876,402

User Stats:

uploaders: 1381
uploaders with more than 10 shows uploaded: 380
tapers: 3998

Concert Stats:

shows: 20,141
shows with mp3s (more as space allows): 6981
tracks: ~300,000
bands: 856
bands disallowing mp3: 44
venues: 7713

Machine Stats:

total space for live concerts: ~25tb
machines: 74 including backups

Parker Thompson
Data Archivist
The Internet Archive

Live Music Archive at 10,000 Concerts


The Live music archive just received its 10,000th concert recording!
Congratulations and thanks to the etree community and the artists and
bands that have a made this a fantastic repository of creative works.

A few stats:
Now stored: 10,000 shows, 150,000 tracks, from almost 500 bands, in 18 months.
About 10 Terabytes of information on 40 Terabytes of disk space on 60 linux boxes.
almost 1,000 uploaders, 300 uploaders have uploaded more than 10 shows,
Brad Lablanc is the top uploader at 251concerts
Usage: about 1`Petabyte of concerts have been downloaded
(1,000,000,000,000,000 bytes)
Or about 1 Million shows.
Currently 400megabits/sec of outbound bandwidth.

In the next couple of weeks:
Adding some Grateful Dead concerts because their policy allows
non-commercial hosting.
Converting most of the concerts to mp3/ogg and full concert zip files

Longer term wish list:
Broaden the collection into lots of different types of music
Internet Radio interface
Improved website by searching, speed, browsing

If you have other ideas, please write to us on the forums or to

Great stuff! Thank you to all that have put in so many hours. This
is a partial list:

Brad Leblanc
Bram Cohen
Caleb Epstein
Diana Hamilton
Greg Pope
Lauren Gelman
Matt Vernon
Ry4an Brase
Tom Anderson
Tom Horton
Tyler Huff

