Alice In Wonderland…a look back

Twas Brillig!

With a yet another new version of Alice In Wonderland being released today in a theater near you, I thought I’d take a look back in the Internet Archive to see what we have.

Here is the first movie version from 1903:

I liked this one a bit better: That’s one angry looking white rabbit.

Of course we have many texts. I enjoyed this one with the pen and ink drawings dispersed throughout:

And if you have the time but don’t want to read, you might enjoy this reading by author Cory Doctorow:

Last, here’s a live version of White Rabbit by Irish performer Cara Cowan:   white rabbit

O frabjous day! Callooh! Callay!’

It’s down the rabbit hole for me….
– Jeff Kaplan

16 thoughts on “Alice In Wonderland…a look back

  1. gitesh kumar

    I like the book alice in wonderland very much.It is too interesting and good book i never read like this before i am not able to express my feelings in short.actually i m speechless after reading this wonderful words are being used in this.At last i want to thank to the author “Jeff Kaplan” who has written mindblowing book.thanks a lot for writting this book.

  2. Wajder Sylvie

    Merci pour cet excellent travail d’archive .
    Je suis à la recherche d’une pièce de théâtre gestuel .Le cinéma muet est pour moi une source d’inspiration .

  3. Tim Crow

    Very cool!
    Alice Liddel was my great-great-grandmother Isabel’s cousin; Isabel was with them on the outings where the author told the stories.
    It’s great to find these lesser-known renditions of the story.
    Thank you!

  4. endash

    wow its good and i like it better but i have got a problem the link is not supported sometimes whats wrong? please check it Tnx!

  5. Pingback: Alice in Wonderland | powerbookhub2000

  6. phiferindia

    I like this movie especially at one place Alice helps to retrieve Bandersnatch’s eye without any expectation, But finally Bandersnatch drove her to escape from Red Rose Queen. Where the moral says we should help unexpectedly. Once again you remember me this movie. Thank you so much. I will be happy to watch Alice movie in 3d will you send in archieve…? Thanks in advance.

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