San Francisco Oakland Bay Bridge; a technical description in ordinary language (1936)
Here’s a fascinating book describing the building of the entire San Francisco (California) Bay Bridge, which opened seventy-five years ago. It’s full of fabulous illustrations.
— recommended by Mario Murphy
Buckminster Fuller, Everything I Know
Why? Because he was crazy enough to think he could change the world. Plus the pre-MTV green-screen production values are not to be believed. There should be a special award for anyone who can watch all 42 hours nonstop.
— recommended by Jeff Kaplan
Bad Panda
Bad Panda disseminates recordings based on the idea that, “music is about creative and passionate ideas, not product.” The label releases new work every Monday, an approach that’s earned a large following. For example, the ensemble Riding Alone for Thousands of Miles’ Brick City Love Song has been downloaded almost nine-hundred thousand times.
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—David Glenn Rinehart