An unclassified document from the National Security Agency from 2007 has some nice words to say about the Internet Archive, Brewster Kahle, and the Wayback Machine.
“The Wayback Machine is, very simply, one of the greatest deep web tools ever created.” -National Security Agency (2007)
A searchable version, and a searchable PDF version.
Main section on us:
The Internet Archive & the Wayback Machine
You have to give Brewster Kahle credit for thinking big. The founder of the Internet Archive has a clear, if not easy, mission: to make all human knowledge universally accessible. And, who knows, he might just succeed. What has made Kahle’s dream seem possible is extremely inexpensive storage technology. As of now, the Internet Archive houses “approximately 1 petabyte of data and is currently growing at a rate of 20 terabytes per month. This eclipses the amount of text contained in the world’s largest libraries, including the Library of Congress. If you tried to place the entire contents of the archive onto floppy disks (we don’t recommend this!) and laid them end to end, it would stretch from New York, past Los Angeles, and halfway to Hawaii.” 102 In December 2006 the Archive announced it had indexed over 85 billion “web objects” and that its database contained over 1.5 petabytes of information. 103
But that’s not all that Kahle and company have archived. The Archive also now contains about 2 million audio works; over 10,000 music concerts; thousands of “moving images,” including 300 feature films; its own and links to others’ digitized texts, including printable and downloadable books; and 3 million hours of television shows (enough to satisfy even the most sedulous couch potato!). Kahle’s long term dream includes scanning and digitizing the entire Library of Congress collection of about 28 million books (something that is technically within reach), but there are UNCLASSIFIED some nasty impediments such as copyrights and, of course, money. None of this deters Kahle, whose commitment to the preservation of the digital artifacts of our time drives the Internet Archive. As Kahle puts it, “If you don’t have access to the past, you live in a very Orwellian world.”
Hmmm… Well as long as the NSA’s love for the Internet Archive stays purely ‘platonic’, there’s no problem…
The press has found the man guilty, also the U.S. government. I just don’t know. It looks as though he was trying to do the right thing, but now the progressive movement is saying he is a traitor. When I say progressive, I don’t mean liberals. The progressive movement is found in most any place. When you have people that don’t care about the constitution of the USA, it probably means they are very progressive. Much more than the rights of the people of the country can tolerate. The GOP has gone SOL, Mr. Rubio is trying to change the country by going along with the very thing that Mr.O. wants.
y are u talking about the constitution of USA on the Internet ??? does the constitution extend its bill of rights to all? then shut up and keep your ignorant mindset at home and teach your kids not the generally public. thanks.
Irony: Compare the exact wording of the founding documents. The word “inalienable” implies the same meaning as “universal” in modern language.
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I don’t have problem with the No Such Agency loving, as long as we all get to share the love.
If you don’t want it archived, use robots.txt. If you don’t want it public, don’t put it online.
The Government does not have any capacity of love or hate. It exists to serve the people and not the people to serve the government.
The criminals in the U.S. government are America’s worst enemy. For example, I learned that the rebellion and terrorism in the Syrian war was created by the U.S., Israel and assisting actors. They actually instigated the rebellion against Assad’s government and the U.S. supplied the rebels with weapons from a U.S. base in Turkey only 30 miles from the Syrian border.
When I compared these researched facts with the media’s “facts” I realized that the news services had deliberately lied to us.
Another lie I followed began in 2011 when Obama attended a private dinner party with Silicon Valley’s elite movers and shakers. He promised that he would create as $307 billion grant for an unstated purpose in the 2012 budget. He kept his promise in 2012 and sneaked the $307 billion through the House Budget committee. The press mentioned that Rep. Ryan’s Budget Committee had some problems keeping score and I think the $307 billion in grant money slid away from our treasury during this episode.
On February 1, 2013, Hillary Clinton announced in her stepping-down speech that her Department of State created a partnership called the “Alliance for an Affordable Internet” and they would help direct the billions into Silicon Valley companies to create the “Silicon Valley of Africa” in Nairobi Kenya. The huge project will link London with Nairobi and link Nairobi with Egypt and India. The U.S. would gain little benefit from the scheme but we footed most of the bill anyway. The press cooperated by ignoring the subject.
Many other stories about the corruption in our U.S. government were not reported in the news. I’m at a loss how these criminals can be stopped. When our courageous President John F. Kennedy boldly created our own U.S. money and vacated our dependence on the Federal Reserve notes, the Jewish owners of the U.S. Fed had him assassinated for his deed. Perhaps bullets in return will someday be the best way to eliminate the psychopaths who rule America.
Weak minds are more willing to fear and hate from a position of ignorance than to seek the truth.
Indeed, the Pharisees like yourself didn’t just spread the lies they BELIEVED the lies without even knowing it. Wake up before it’s too late.
Just have to say what the, are you talking about…and what or your sources for such tales. You have done some research but for the rest of us to be informed you must share your sources so we all can learn.
Homer, the government is not some monolithic amorphous entity, it is made of individual people, and those people do indeed have the ability to love and to hate.
Your statement illustrates the composition fallacy, that is, because many representatives with the capacity for love and hate constitute a government, the government itself is able to love or hate. Government is not a person, but a system. Thomas Jefferson said “I am not a fan of a very active government.” Attempts to make government more nimble and able to respond with love or hate to the needs of the people, or, as in the case of the NSA, to its own needs, rather than to confine it to the defense of individual liberty, can only lead to injustice and tyranny.
The NSA has a much larger archive, containing every e-mail you have ever written, every web site you have ever looked at, a list of every telephone number you have ever dialed and possibly recordings of those calls, everything you have ever bought with a credit card, and a cross indexed list of every human being with whom you have ever exchanged any kind of electronic communication. They do all of this to protect your security from communists and terrorists, or so we are told. Who protects us from the NSA remains to be seen.
Do citizens have free and easy access to the NSA files kept on them? It would be interesting to review a file for accuracy, I know I allow others to use my phone-not all activity on my phone or computer is personaly my activity. In accuracys should be able to be disputed and or corrected. The Universal intelligence is really in its infancy I would like to know who is weighing the checks and balances? Hmmm..
Why don’t you submit a Privacy Act request on yourself & find out?
You need only request the information under the Freedom of information Act…now I can tell you should they send anything to you about you….I must say here that the average person believes the government has some “school record” like file on them…they don’t cuz you average Joe don’t matter…any way if they do…it will be so redacted as to be useless…..for you….I speak as one who has been in the intelligence community….the corporation is the one you should fear…if the government had as much info on you as Google the you would have something to be scared about
Isn’t it E. Snowden who protects from the NSA?
The Archive’s uncritical announcement of the NSA’s embrace gives me pause. We’ve known about NSA overreach for quite some time. The recent revelations are just more of the same. The Archive crew should be wondering why the NSA is keeping documents on them in the first place, not acting as if the NSA is some benign agency.
That is ridiculous! What do you want esteemed Brewster Kahle to do? Repudiate the NSA? EVERYONE appreciates and respects the worthiness of Brewster Kahle’s decision to fund the Internet Archive, rather than become just another rapacious venture capitalist funding soi disant high-tech start-up’s in Silicon Valley.
I am very critical and suspicious about motives, having been deceived too often. Brewster Kahle is one of the few good souls (who are wealthy) in this world. He isn’t self-aggrandizing. He doesn’t fund any LOUD, self-serving social justice initiatives, nor any odious political action committees.
Of course the NSA loves the Internet Archive! Everyone loves the Internet Archive. If they don’t, they should (in my opinion).
> The NSA has a much larger archive, containing …
> a cross indexed list of every human being
This data center in Utah.
To baptize everyone who ever lived?
Data collection ? I would wonder about apples massive data collection server that traded hands in Australia before Steve jobs died and them note .. gmail started with social tracking… Did we forget ? You couldn’t sign up originally you had to be invited atlas map to the foun
dation of social engine
ering. Prism started “officially around that time say 2007ish
911 was an INSIDE JOB…
Yep. And the “Dual” “Citizens” like Chertoff et al. Silverstein that demon from he– MADE MONEY off of 9-11!! The Pharisees are still with us.
Some interesting reading before allowing any goverment affiliated agency or company to store any thing on your servers:
Written by Bruce Schneier an internationally renowned security technologist and author. Described by The Economist as a “security guru,” he is best known as a refreshingly candid and lucid security critic and commentator. When people want to know how security really works, they turn to Schneier.
His first bestseller, Applied Cryptography, explained how the arcane science of secret codes actually works, and was described by Wired as “the book the National Security Agency wanted never to be published.” His book on computer and network security, Secrets and Lies, was called by Fortune “[a] jewel box of little surprises you can actually use.” Beyond Fear tackles the problems of security from the small to the large: personal safety, crime, corporate security, national security. Schneier on Security, offers insight into everything from the risk of identity theft (vastly overrated) to the long-range security threat of unchecked presidential power. His latest book, Liars and Outliers, explains how societies use security to enable the trust that they need to survive.
The NSA says they love us because it surpasses our scope and reach . If that weren’t the case it would move from this so called love to covetousness .
I’ve not seen where the NSA has refuted any of Snowden’s remarks.
Usually when a whistle-blower blows, he is answered. Not here.
Just makes one think about the truth.
Two comments: Most of the people in an uproar over government “spies” are most likely the ones who rubbed their hands with glee over the UNCONFIRMED emails released by Wikileaks. So…individuals can spy on government but government cannot do the same on citizens. You know what? I am thoroughly against both. I think you have to be. But if I have to have my druthers, I’d druther the latter. This is more of a question than a comment: how much detail are they actual looking at with billions of phone calls, blogs, tweets, emails etc. I really feel a little better knowing when the ‘traffic’ gets heavy, then they zoom in. To me, it’s like have a traffic helicopter over a city. It’s not reporting every vehicle, just where there is heavy traffic or a traffic jam. And then it has to be looked into.
I must admit as a lifelong liberal I feel a little uneasy that I’m not more upset about this but my son assured me its because I’m old and just feel happy that SOMEBODY wants to listen to me.
Yes, BEG for your imprisonment. It’s too late for you, your way of life is ending and you can’t cope with it but be a slave to it.
We are the Anonymous.
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If data and “E”mail security can not be trusted Why use it? Why use any server in the US of A ?? in that case don’t use any US company as your info will wind up in the storage of the NSA anyway! OOps no new orders = company’s profitless = no tax $ = no funds for the NSA No more NSA ? don’t believe it
America now has all the infrastructure in place for a 100 percent lockdown on all 310 million of us. It is only a question of when the trigger gets pulled. I think it is coming soon when the economy collapses. The Patriot Act was as unpatriotic as it gets. The NDAA is even worse. George W. Bush, Cheney, Obama and Hillary Clinton are war criminals plain and simple. I served in the US Navy but I am sick and tired of our military killing women and children. Collateral damage sounds so antiseptic and that is how we dehumanize our enemies. This is classic propaganda and a psy-ops technique. The American government learned how to apply Nazi and Communist brainwashing techniques. The mainstream media is our enemy because they, like our government, are pathological liars! An American flag waving Stalin or Hitler is waiting in the wings. If you think I am nuts, just wait and see!
yep your right Hans I believe your nuts, will I say you don’t have some truths in you disillusion sure you do…..but it still dosen’t make the illusion any more real.
The NSA tracks people that are AWAKE to the tyranny we live in in service to the banksters and their slaves the politicians. They are all paid off slaves and traitors to both America and human self-determination which we’ve struggled for for hundreds if not thousands of years. We are returning to the time of the Pharaohs and their God. Money is it’s name and Death is it’s means. Your cell phones are with you always and are your trackers for the NSA. The cameras and microphones in all of your technology can be used by the NSA. The WHOLE internet is tracked and catalogued by them. YOU AMERICANS, DEBT SLAVES, ARE THE ENEMY to them! The DHS is the enforcement arm of the NSA. BE CAREFUL.