University of California Libraries to partner with Archive-It

cdl_logoThis week, the University of California California Digital Libraries and the UC Libraries announced a partnership with Internet Archive’s Archive-It Service.

In the coming year, CDL’s Web Archiving Service (WAS) collections and all core infrastructure activities, i.e., crawling, indexing, search, display, and storage, will be transferred to Archive-It. WAS partners have captured close to 80 terabytes of archived content most of which will be added to the 450 terabytes Archive-It partners have collected.

We are excited to work with CDL as we transition over the UC (and other) libraries to the Archive-It service. These UC libraries have unique and compelling collections (some dating back to 2006) including their Grateful Dead Web Archive: http://webarchives.cdlib.orggdarchive/a/gratefuldead which of course fits in quite nicely with the Internet Archive’s large collection of downloadable and streamed Grateful Dead shows in our Live Music Archive.

By collaborating with CDL, Archive-it can continue to expand the core functionalities of web archiving and work with CDL and other colleagues to develop new tools to advance the use of web archives. Such collaboration is sorely needed at this juncture and we welcome the opportunity to expand the capabilities of web archiving. By working together as a community we can create useful and sustainable web archives and ensure growth in the field of web archiving.

Be sure and check out some of the CDL collections:

Archiving the LGBT Web: Eastern Europe and Eurasia- UCB:
Federal Regional Agencies in California Web Archive- UC Davis:
Salvadoran Presidential Election March 2009 – Web Archive- UC Irving:
2009 H1N1 Influenza A (Swine Flu) Outbreak- UC San Diego:
California Tobacco Control Web Archive- UCSF

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