Making the Web More Reliable — 20 Years and Counting

As a part of our 20th anniversary, here are some highlights about tools and projects, from the Internet Archive, helping to make the web a more reliable infrastructure for supporting our culture and commerce.

All in all, the Internet Archive is building collections and tools to help make the open web a permanent resource for current users and into the future.

Please donate to make it even better.

Thank you to the hundreds of people who have worked for the Internet Archive over the past 20 years, and to the thousands who have supported the Archive and contributed to the collections.


3 thoughts on “Making the Web More Reliable — 20 Years and Counting

  1. Pingback: Internet Archive turns 20, gives birthday gifts to the world |

  2. Pingback: Internet Archive turns 20, gives birthday gifts to the world – | iExclusives

  3. Michael Polidori

    I tried to save a webpage and received an error message which recommended I report it to Archive, but didn’t provide a link or info on to whom or where to post the info.

    Here it is –
    400 Bad Request

    Request header or cookie too large. Sorry for the inconvenience.
    Please report this message and include the following information to us.
    Thank you very much!
    Date: 2016/11/07 12:40:07

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